Easha Maliq
2 min readMay 6, 2021


5 Reasons why you should never overthink.

1.It Ruins your Mental peace

Yes , overthinking only worsens your mental peace .The outside world remains the same , the situations which your going through remains the same but only your mental health deteriorates .

2.Overthinking will make your daily routine difficult for you

It will become extremely difficult for you to do your daily routine work . Overthinking will keep on hindering, interfering and your graph will go down the lane .And you will establish yourself as a person who is inefficient and mostly remain preoccupied.

3.Most of the time real situation will be exactly the opposite

It is possible that you are thinking too much , creating scenarios in your head but the reality can be totally opposite. And you will end up wasting your time over a thing which never existed in the first place .

4.Overthinking can become a poisonous thing

I have seen people who think too much , losing their mental health and also compromising their physical health as well .Overthinking will squeeze you out , eat all the happy moments from your life , the moments you would have been enjoying if you weren’t overthinking.

5. Nobody cares that you are overthinking.

Nobody in this care about a person who is Overthinking and is always preoccupied. People want happy souls and always go for people who are smiling and pretending that everything is okay . At the end you will become a loner person . You will be all alone and in the loneliness you will be overthinking.

So, it’s better not to overthink and enjoy the life we have been given with .

Take care .

