Easha Maliq
2 min readAug 9, 2020


Allah is a constant

Every living thing will die one day,every emotion fades and eventually die every feeling tend to end.Nothing is permanent!

Earth, stars moon time each and everything will come to an end .The most promising thing is that the problems , worries , stresses and anxieties that we have also have expiry dates as well.

But the only thing which is going to remain forever and ever is Our Creator ALLAH.He will be there when no one will be there.Yes,we human beings we will live too but not in this body in some other form .

But the only thing which will remain in its original form forever and ever is Allah SWT

So, All praises to him who is the Almighty, the King the real King which has all the powers , who is going to live forever.

Some religions of the world have different ideologies and concepts about God, like in Buddhism and Hinduism these religions tell people that there are many Gods which are accompanying one another.What I get from all this that these religions don’t give the picture of God as who has all the powers and is capable of doing anything

They establish a poor faith of God in their Believers which lead to hopelessness in many cases.when you have a strong faith that Allah is all powerful , the king of all kings and is only one you won’t consider your problems that big enough for your God to handle .

So,Let’s just talk to that one Supreme power who is permanent, living and all praises are to him and him only !

